1) usw pwd to get the correct directory (eg. /app/odset )
2)then cd /tmp and archive using any of the below commands
tar -czvf bckup_filename.tar.gz /app/odset
zip -r bckup_filename.tar.gz /app/odset
3) the compressed folders will be present there
4) download it to your system using filezilla(right click->download) or
by typing scp command in your terminal
scp -P 87 username@hostname:/tmp/backupfilename.gz .
//to upload it to server
scp sourceUsername@hostname:/home/path/to/localFile/filename.dbbckup.sql.gz destinationUsername@hostname:/tmp
//no need to mention username@hostname for our own local computer as source
scp /home/sabeeha/alphaServer/27May2021Alpha.dbbckup.sql.gz o3cgj3skbznio-integration-5ojmyuq--mymagento@ssh.ap-3.magento.cloud:/tmp
sudo scp -r -i ~/.ssh/Mysecret.pem filename.tar ubuntu@ec-x-xxx-xxx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu
//'.' stands for current folder
//'~' stands for working directory path
5)unzip using unzip command (for .zip folder) or gunzip command for (.gz) files
unzip filename.zip .
gunzip filename.tar.gz // result will be filename.tar
tar -xf archive.tar //result will be filename
To copy files without intermediate save,
1)Frmo server to host (download directory)
ssh user@host "tar -C /path/to/data/ -zc directory_name" | tar zx
2)from host to server(upload directory)
tar zc directory_name/ | ssh user@host "tar zx -C /new/path/to/data/"
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