Sunday, August 1, 2021

How to host Laravel in Digital Ocean


1) Create a Digital Ocean Account

2) ssh set up on your local computer


1) Create a Droplet

- Using one click install LAMP .

- select standard → $5/month plan → enter ssh keys → enter host name → create droplet button

2) hit ip on the browser to see the site


To access the site from local machine:


1) In a new terminal login as the new user
         $ ssh root@IP_ADDRESS

2) Note mysql password from the location mentioned during one click installation
3) Generate ssh for the server using command
                 $ ssh-keygen 
 To see the generated key enter, 
                 $ cat .ssh/ //to display the key 
 4)Add remote server ssh key to github→settings→ssh key


To set up DB


		$ mysql -u root -p;
        $ SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;
		$ ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY  'password';                 //passwort from ./root/digital ocean folder

to check:
		$ SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;
		$ create database new_db
		$ use new_db
        $ source path/to/uploaded/sqlfile //to import the uploaded db to mysql
		$ exit //mysql
		$ sudo service mysql restart


To set up Project


1) git clone the folder to var/www directory

2) cd /var/www

 	        git clone
3) install composer
4) run composer install
5) set up all the missing extensions 

sudo apt-get install -y php7.2-xml

	sudo apt-get install -y php7.2-mbstring
one by one like above or in one go as shown below:
	        sudo apt install openssl php7.2-common php7.2-curl php7.2-json php7.2-
	        mbstring php7.2-mysql php7.2-xml php7.2-zip

6) cd laravel-deploy-demo

	        composer install

7) For environment variables

            cp .env.example .env

8)  generate an app key using
              php artisan key:generate

9) open .env
                nano .env
Make the following changes into it

Since we are on production, we set APP_DEBUG to false. Also, we set APP_URL to our domain name or server IP address (if no domain name has been set up). Remember to update YOUR_DATABASE_USERNAME and YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD



10) Grand permissions using:

            $ sudo chown -R www-data: storage
sudo chmod -R 755 storage


To take the Project Live


17) Finally we need to point our server to the Laravel project public folder. We need to edit our Apache config

            nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

There are two lines in this config file that we need to updated

            DocumentRoot /var/www
            <Directory /var/www>

We need to change them to point the public folder in our project public folder

            DocumentRoot /var/www/project/public
            <Directory /var/www/project/public>

Also we need to add the following two lines inside of that same Directory tag

            RewriteEngine On
            RewriteBase /var/www/project/public

Once that’s finished and saved enter

		a2enmod rewrite

we need to restart Apache

                $ sudo service apache2 restart

In case of error:

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

		$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

add to the end of file 

 	          sudo systemctl restart apache2



Additional things you may do:


1)set up phpmyadmin

2) login to the server as non root user with admin prevelege for security.

from local computer enter the command to access server:

		ssh root@IP_ADDRESS

then create a new user using command

		adduser new_user

3) To give new user sabi admin preveleges

                usermod -aG sudo new_user

4)copy public key to your new server

		 cat ~/.ssh/   //run local to get public key

5) In the server give the command as 
		 su -user

6) we need to create a new directory called .ssh and restrict its permission:

        	 mkdir ~/.ssh
        	 chmod 700 ~/.ssh 
 7) Within the .ssh directory, create a new file called authorized_keys:
		touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

8)open the file using cmd
		vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys //paste ssh copied from local here
9) esc shift :wq + enter

10) restrict permissions of authorised file using the command:
		    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys //restrict permission
          exit //return to root

10) hit ip address

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